


    The library of Kendriya Vidyalaya Shahdara provides its services during school hours. As per KVS policy 2012, all students from class 6 to 11 are being issued, 2 books per student for a period of 2 weeks and 05 books per teacher/staff member of Vidyalaya for a period of 30 days in house-keeping activities like circulation etc.

    There is a class library for Primary Section which is functioning effectively with the help of librarian. Library has organized many activities like bookmark, book review, story-telling, story-writing, book-reading etc. During library period, students are being benefited in developing reading habits in themselves. Library has a blog, a wake let and a youtube channel that helps the readers to gain knowledge and other relevant information.


    SI. No. Name of the Employee Designation Role in committee
    01. Mrs. Babita Librarian Library Incharge
    02. Dr. R. K. Pathak PGT (Hindi) Member
    03. Ms. Shaini TGT (English) Member
    04. Ms. Shubhi Goswami PRT Member
    05. Mr. Daya Chand Sub Staff Member